Categories: Git

How to add an empty directory in git repository?

Managing empty directories in a Git repository can often be a bit tricky, as Git fundamentally ignores empty directories. However, there are several strategies you can employ to include and track these seemingly elusive folders within your repositories. In this article, we’ll explore the necessary steps and best practices to effectively perform actions like git add empty folder, ensuring that your directory structure remains intact and your project stays organized. From practical tips to advanced techniques, you’ll learn how to include empty folders in Git and preserve them across various stages of your development workflow. Let’s dive into the details!

Understanding Git and Empty Directories

In Git, an empty directory is not tracked by default. This behavior stems from Git’s design, as it focuses on tracking files rather than directories. When a directory contains no files, there is nothing to be tracked, and thus Git ignores the directory. This behavior is efficiently managed in most cases but can become problematic when you need to maintain the existence of empty directories in your project structure.

Understanding the reasons behind Git’s handling of directories begins with recognizing how Git stores information. Git organizes files in structures called trees, which represent directories. Each tree points to a set of blobs (files) and other trees (subdirectories). Therefore, if a directory is empty, it does not point to any blobs, rendering it essentially invisible to Git.

This fundamental design choice ensures that the repository remains lightweight and free of unnecessary clutter. However, when you need to preserve the structure of empty directories, for example, to maintain scaffolding for later file additions or to meet specific deployment needs, special handling is required.

When you attempt to add or include an empty directory in Git, typical commands do not suffice. Commands like git add and git commit only affect existing files and directories containing files. An empty directory will be bypassed because it lacks trackable content. For instance, running:

mkdir example
git add example 
git commit -m "Add empty directory"

This will result in nothing being added to the commit, as the example directory is empty.

Therefore, alternative methods are necessary to ensure that these necessary yet empty directories are included in your versioning history. The most common practice is to place a placeholder file within the empty directory. Often, a file named .gitkeep is used for this purpose. This file is optional but serves as an indicator to Git that the directory should be tracked.

For more about managing content in Git, consider exploring the official Git documentation which provides comprehensive information on advanced Git techniques and practices.

By understanding Git’s core principles and tracking mechanisms, you can better manage your repository content, including the special case of empty directories.

Preserving Empty Directories in Git: Why and How

In software development, there are situations where you may need to preserve an empty directory within a Git repository for structural or organizational reasons. However, by default, Git does not track empty directories. This limitation stems from Git’s focus on content rather than the filesystem structure itself. Understanding why one might want to preserve empty directories and the methods to achieve this can help maintain a clean and efficient project structure.

Why Preserve Empty Directories?

There are several reasons why developers might want to include empty directories in their Git repositories:

  1. Project Structure: Maintaining a clear and consistent project structure is crucial. Empty directories might act as placeholders for future content or organizational units.
  2. Dependency Management: In some cases, frameworks or tools that your project relies on might expect certain directory structures to be present.
  3. Build Processes: Some build and deployment processes might depend on specific directory structures. Retaining empty directories ensures these processes run smoothly without modification.
  4. Configuration: Configuration files or scripts often reference specific directories. Ensuring these directories exist helps avoid runtime errors or misconfigurations.

How to Preserve Empty Directories in Git?

To include an empty directory in a Git repository, developers typically use a method involving a placeholder file. The most commonly used placeholder file is the .gitkeep file, although its name is not enforced by Git and can be anything that serves your project’s needs.

  1. Creating a Placeholder File:
    Create a file named .gitkeep (or any preferred name) within the empty directory you wish to track. This file acts as a marker to inform Git to track the directory.

    Here’s how you can do it via the command line:

    mkdir -p path/to/your/empty-directory
    touch path/to/your/empty-directory/.gitkeep
  2. Adding the Directory to Git:
    Once the placeholder file is created, you need to add it to your Git repository:
    git add path/to/your/empty-directory/.gitkeep
  3. Committing the Changes:
    After adding the .gitkeep file, commit the changes to preserve the directory in your repository:
    git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitkeep"

Following these steps ensures that the empty directory is tracked and maintained across different clones and branches, resulting in a consistent project structure.

Alternative Methods:

While using .gitkeep is a common practice, it’s not the only method. Any non-empty file will do. Here are some alternative approaches:

  1. Readme Files:
    Instead of .gitkeep, you could use a file with a description of the directory’s intended contents:
    # path/to/your/empty-directory
    This directory is reserved for future assets.

    This approach has the added benefit of providing context for other developers.

  2. Configuration Files:
    Configuration-specific placeholder files that your project or framework might use, such as an empty .htaccess file for Apache configurations.

For more on repository and branch management, consider our recent article on Git Branching Name Conventions. Additionally, if you’re looking to clean up your commit history, check out our guide on How to Squash Last X Commits Together in Git. Both articles provide essential best practices for maintaining a clean and efficient Git workflow.

Creating and Managing Empty Directories in a Git Repository

Creating and Managing Empty Directories in a Git Repository

While Git does not natively support the tracking of empty directories due to its content-focused nature, there are several techniques to circumvent this limitation. One widely accepted approach is to use placeholder files which ensure that the directory is not truly empty and can therefore be tracked by Git.

Using .gitkeep Files

One of the most popular methods is to create a file named .gitkeep within the empty directory you wish to add to your Git repository. This placeholder file can then be committed along with the directory structure. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create the Directory and Placeholder File:
    mkdir -p path/to/empty_directory
    touch path/to/empty_directory/.gitkeep
  2. Add to Git Repository:
    git add path/to/empty_directory/.gitkeep
  3. Commit the Changes:
    git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitkeep file"

Alternative Placeholder Names

While .gitkeep is a common convention, you are not limited to this specific filename. Any file within the directory will be tracked by Git. For instance, you could also use .keep, .placeholder, or any other name that suits your project’s naming conventions.

touch path/to/empty_directory/.keep

The rest of the steps for adding and committing remain unchanged.

Using the .gitignore File

To manage multiple empty directories or to avoid cluttering your repository with unnecessary files, another approach involves using the .gitignore file. This file itself can be committed to the repository, and it allows you to specify patterns for files and directories that Git should ignore.

If you place a .gitignore file within a directory and add an entry that excludes everything except the .gitignore file, Git will track that file along with the directory structure:

  1. Create the Directory and .gitignore File:
    mkdir -p path/to/empty_directory
    echo "*
    !.gitignore" > path/to/empty_directory/.gitignore
  2. Add to Git Repository:
    git add path/to/empty_directory/.gitignore
  3. Commit the Changes:
    git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitignore file to manage contents"

Excluding Specific Files

You can fine-tune your .gitignore rules to exclude specific files while including others:


In this example, the directory will ignore all files except .gitignore and specific_file.txt.

Scripting the Process

If you have multiple directories to manage, scripting can save time and automate the inclusion of placeholder files. A simple shell script can iterate through directories and add a .gitkeep file where necessary:


for dir in `find . -type d -empty`
  touch "${dir}/.gitkeep"
  git add "${dir}/.gitkeep"

git commit -m "Add .gitkeep files to all empty directories"

This approach ensures that all empty directories within a project are tracked and avoids manual addition.

For more detailed documentation and information on best practices, refer to the official Git documentation on gitignore and issues tracking empty directories in Github Discussions.

Using .gitkeep to Track Empty Folders in Git

Adding empty directories in Git can be a bit tricky since Git does not inherently track empty folders due to its design, which centers around tracking files. However, a widely-used workaround involves adding a placeholder file, commonly named .gitkeep, within the empty directory. Let’s explore how to use the .gitkeep file to ensure your empty directories are tracked in your Git repository effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using .gitkeep

  1. Create the Empty Directory:
    First, create the empty directory you want to track. For example, to create a directory named empty-dir:
    mkdir empty-dir
  2. Add the .gitkeep File:
    Inside this empty directory, add a .gitkeep file. This file serves as a placeholder to prevent Git from ignoring the otherwise empty directory:
    touch empty-dir/.gitkeep
  3. Add the Directory to Staging:
    Now, add the new directory (along with the .gitkeep file) to the staging area:
    git add empty-dir/.gitkeep
  4. Commit the Changes:
    Commit your changes to the repository to make sure that the empty directory gets tracked:
    git commit -m "Add empty directory with .gitkeep file"

Points to Consider

  • Naming Convention:
    Although .gitkeep is not a special file recognized by Git, it’s a widely used convention among developers to indicate that a directory should be kept even if empty. You could name this file anything, such as .placeholder, but .gitkeep is the most recognizable option.
  • Multiple Empty Directories:
    If you have multiple empty directories, repeat the above steps for each one. Ensure each directory has its own .gitkeep file to be tracked by Git.

Example Project Structure

Here’s an example of what your project structure might look like with .gitkeep files added:

├── src/
│   ├── empty-dir/
│   │   └── .gitkeep
│   └──

Version Control Considerations

When using .gitkeep files, it’s essential to communicate to your team why these files are present. Including a note in your or a comment within the file itself can be beneficial. For example:

# .gitkeep
# This file is used to ensure the containing directory is tracked by Git, even if it is empty.

Alternatives to .gitkeep

  1. Directory Placeholder Files:
    Instead of .gitkeep, some teams prefer to use a generic placeholder file, like .empty or containing an explanatory note about the directory’s purpose. However, .gitkeep remains the most recognized convention.
  2. Ignoring Empty Directories:
    In some cases, you might decide not to track empty directories at all. Understanding Git and its behavior towards empty folders is crucial for making an informed decision.


Employing .gitkeep is the most effective method to manage and track empty directories within a Git repository. It ensures that the directory structure is maintained, even when specific directories are temporarily empty. This technique helps prevent issues during collaborative development where the absence of essential directories could lead to errors or misconfigurations.

For more advanced versions control techniques and ensuring your Git history remains clean, check out our guide on how to squash the last X commits together. Additionally, if you need to reset your local repository to match the remote repository’s HEAD, our detailed guide can be extremely helpful: reset local repository to be like remote repository HEAD.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices for Empty Directory Management in Git

When dealing with empty directory management in Git, there are several common pitfalls and best practices that you need to be aware of. Understanding these aspects will help you avoid unnecessary complications and maintain a clean repository.

Common Pitfalls:

  1. Misconception of Git’s Directory Tracking:
    One of the first pitfalls is the assumption that Git tracks directories. Git tracks files, not directories. Thus, when a directory is empty, Git simply ignores it. This can lead to confusion when attempting to include an empty folder in your version history.
  2. Forgotten .gitkeep Files:
    Developers often forget to add placeholder files like .gitkeep to directories they want to keep empty on purpose. This omission results in directories that won’t appear in the Git repository. If .gitkeep or an equivalent placeholder isn’t used properly, the intended directory structure won’t be preserved.
  3. Oversight in .gitignore Configurations:
    Another common issue arises with .gitignore configurations that might explicitly ignore the placeholder files within empty directories. Ensuring that the .gitignore file does not exclude these placeholders is essential. For example:
    # Ignoring all files in directory
    # But not .gitkeep
  4. Inconsistent Use of Placeholder Files:
    It’s crucial to be consistent in the use of placeholder files across your project. Using different placeholder names (e.g., .gitkeep in one directory and .keep in another) can lead to confusion and inconsistency in how empty directories are managed.

Best Practices:

  1. Use Descriptive Placeholder Files:
    While .gitkeep is a convention, you can use more descriptive filenames to clarify the intention behind preserving an empty directory. For example, .empty-folder or explaining the purpose of the empty directory.
    # inside an empty directory
    This directory is intentionally left empty to be used for cache storage.
  2. Document Empty Directory Usage:
    Adding a note in your project documentation mentioning which directories are expected to be empty can help team members understand and maintain the project structure. This practice avoids unnecessary clutter or accidental deletions.
  3. Review and Adjust .gitignore Regularly:
    Regularly review your .gitignore file to ensure that it correctly includes or excludes files as needed. This practice can prevent unintended exclusion of placeholder files which are necessary for empty directories.
  4. Check for Empty Directories Before Commits:
    Implement pre-commit hooks that validate whether essential placeholder files are present in intended empty directories. Tools like pre-commit can automate such checks, ensuring consistency and preventing errors.
    # .pre-commit-config.yaml
    -   repo: local
        -   id: check-empty-directories
            name: Check Empty Directories
            entry: python
            language: python
  5. Utilize Continuous Integration (CI) Checks:
    Incorporate checks for empty directories within your CI pipeline. CI services can validate your repository’s directory structure and ensure that no essential empty directories are missing.

Further Reading:
For deeper insights into managing your Git repository, you might want to explore how to reset your local repository to match the remote repository’s HEAD or learn about squashing the last X commits together to maintain a tidy commit history. Both practices ensure a cleaner and more efficient development workflow.

By following these best practices and being aware of common pitfalls, you’ll be better equipped to manage empty directories in your Git repositories effectively.
In conclusion, managing empty directories in a git repository requires a combination of best practices and specific methods to ensure proper tracking and preservation. Incorporating placeholder files such as .gitkeep is a common way to include these empty directories in your git history, enabling effective version control. Despite the inherently non-tracked nature of empty folders in git, understanding how to work around this can significantly improve repository organization and workflow efficiency. Always be mindful of potential pitfalls and follow best practices to maintain a clean and functional repository structure. For anyone needing to add empty directories in git or ensure they are preserved, utilizing .gitkeep effectively is a practical solution.

Snieguolė Romualda

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