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The difference between URI, URL and URN

Navigating the intricate world of web addressing terminology can be daunting, but understanding the core concepts is essential for anyone engaged in web development or digital communications. In this article, we dive into the specifics of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), URL (Uniform Resource Locator), and URN (Uniform Resource Name). By breaking down the definitions, structures, and key differences between these critical components, you’ll gain a clearer perspective on how each element fits into the broader landscape of internet addressing. Whether you’re looking to clarify the URI vs URL vs URN debate or need concrete examples to illustrate these concepts, this comprehensive guide has you covered. Let’s start by defining each term and exploring their unique roles and interrelations in the web addressing framework.

1. Understanding URI: Definition, Structure, and Components

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a string of characters used to identify a resource, either on the internet or within another system. By serving as a unique identifier, URI plays a crucial role in facilitating interactions between different systems and applications.


A URI can be broken down into two main categories: URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and URN (Uniform Resource Name). While URL provides information about the location of a resource and the mechanism to retrieve it, URN serves as a unique name for a resource without implying its location or retrieval method.


The structure of a URI follows a specific syntax, as defined in RFC 3986. A URI typically comprises the following components:

  1. Scheme: This indicates the protocol to be used, such as http, https, ftp, etc.
  2. Authority: This component includes information like hostname, port, and user information. It is preceded by a double slash (//).
  3. Path: The path points to a specific resource within the domain, akin to a directory structure.
  4. Query: Optional parameters that provide additional data to the resource.
  5. Fragment: A reference to a secondary resource or a specific section within the primary resource, denoted by a #.

Here’s an example URI with all components:


  1. Scheme: https
  2. Authority:
  • User Information: username:password
  • Host:
  • Port: 8080
  1. Path: /path/to/resource
  2. Query: query=value
  3. Fragment: fragment

URI Components Breakdown:

  • Scheme: This part dictates how to interpret the remaining parts of the URI. Common schemes include http, https, ftp, file, mailto, etc. Each scheme has a standardized set of rules.
  • Authority: Present in hierarchical URIs, this component encompasses the domain name (or IP address) and optional port, prefaced by optional user information.
    • User Information: While less commonly used, this can include a username and optionally a password.
    • Host: Typically a domain name like, or an IP address.
    • Port: Optional and usually omitted when it is the default for the scheme (e.g., 80 for http).
  • Path: The hierarchical path to the resource within the domain, often mirroring file directory structures. For instance, /path/to/resource indicates navigating through folders named path and to to reach the resource.
  • Query: This consists of key-value pairs that provide additional data. Queries follow the ? character and multiple parameters are separated by & (ampersand).
  • Fragment: A fragment identifier provides a way to navigate to a specific part of the resource, such as a section in an HTML document. It follows the # character.

Example of Valid URIs:

  1. Web URI:
  2. Mailto URI:
  3. File URI:

The above components and structure not only facilitate the proper resolution of resources but also ensure that resources can be reliably referenced or accessed across different systems and networks.

In summary, understanding the definition, structure, and components of URI is fundamental to comprehending more specialized categories like URL and URN, their differences, and applications in internet addressing. The utility and flexibility of URIs make them indispensable in navigating and managing our digital landscape.

2. What is a URL: Definition, Structure, and Examples

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is one of the most commonly used types of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI). It provides the means to access the location of a resource on the internet by specifying its address. Essentially, a URL tells you where to find a resource and defines the manner to retrieve it.

URL Structure

A URL consists of several components, each serving a specific function to accurately locate and access the desired resource. Here is a breakdown of the typical URL structure:

  1. Scheme: It indicates the protocol used to access the resource. Common schemes include http, https, ftp, and file. For example:
  2. Host: This component specifies the domain name or IP address where the resource is hosted. For example:
  3. Port: A port is optional and specifies the port number to connect to the host. If omitted, the default port for the scheme is used (e.g., 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS). For example:
  4. Path: This specifies the exact location of the resource within the host. It often represents directories and files on the server. For example:
  5. Query: This part provides additional parameters that are used to query the resource. It starts with a ? and includes key-value pairs separated by &. For example:
  6. Fragment: An optional component that begins with # and specifies a section within the resource, such as an anchor in an HTML document. For example:

An example of a URL incorporating all components might look like this:

Examples of URL

  1. Webpage URL:

    This URL points to the index.html page on the domain over HTTPS.

  2. File Download URL:

    This URL uses the FTP protocol to access a file hosted on an FTP server, specifying user credentials.

  3. RESTful API URL:

    This URL accesses a RESTful API endpoint to retrieve details about the user with ID 456.

Understanding URL Protocols

Protocol schemes are vital in URL structures. Here’s a brief look at some common ones:

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): Primarily used for retrieving web pages.
  • HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol): A secure version of HTTP, encrypting data transmission.
  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol): Used to transfer files between a client and server.
  • MAILTO: Used to generate email links.
  • FILE: Accesses files on the local system or network.

For a comprehensive guide to URL structure, you may refer to the official RFC 1738 documentation.

Understanding the exact structure and components of a URL helps in correctly interpreting web addresses, troubleshooting issues, and ensuring proper connectivity and resource retrieval in web applications.

3. Explaining URN: Definition, Structure, and Common Usage

URN (Uniform Resource Name) is a specific type of URI that serves as a persistent, location-independent resource identifier. Unlike URLs, which indicate where a resource can be found, URNs serve as unique names for resources, irrespective of their location or change over time. Essentially, URNs target the identity of the resource itself, akin to a namespace within a larger URI scheme.

Definition of URN

A URN is a unique and globally recognizable identifier for a resource that does not change even if the resource’s location changes. It strictly focuses on the identity of a resource rather than its access method or location.

Structure of URN

The structure of a URN follows a specific syntax as per RFC 2141. It generally includes:

  1. URN Scheme: This is always the string “urn” indicating that the identifier is a URN.
  2. Namespace Identifier (NID): This segment specifies the namespace of the resource, essentially defining the scope or authority under which the name is assigned.
  3. Namespace Specific String (NSS): This is the actual name within the specified namespace, providing a unique identifier within that namespace.

The general format is:


Example of URN

An example of a URN is:


Here, “isbn” is the Namespace Identifier and “0451450523” is the Namespace Specific String, representing the International Standard Book Number for a specific book.

Common Usage of URNs

URNs are widely used in various domains where long-term, stable identification of resources is needed:

  • Library Systems: For identifying books using ISBNs.
  • Standard Documents: Such as RFCs, where each document can be referenced by its URN.
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): Used in academic publishing and research data.

Implementing and Resolving URNs

Though URNs do not directly provide a way to access the resource, several systems and protocols enable resolving URNs to URLs or other means of access. For instance, the Handle System (used for DOIs) or the ISBN resolver provided by libraries.

For further exploration of related topics, consider checking out our article on UUID in Python, providing valuable insights into another unique identification method, or the guide on how to change the URL for a remote repository in Git to learn about handling URLs effectively.

Practical Example: URN in Context

Imagine an academic researcher referencing a specific study. Instead of relying on a potentially outdated URL, they can use a URN:


This URN can be managed by a DOI resolver to always point to the valid resource location, ensuring the reference remains accurate over time.

Understanding the concepts and practical applications of URNs facilitates better strategies for resource identification across diverse systems, ensuring consistency and reliability in accessing valuable resources.

4. Differentiating URI and URL: Key Differences and Relationships

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct definitions and functions. Understanding these differences and their relationships facilitates better usage in web technologies and development.

A URI is a generic term that includes both URLs and URNs. It is an identifier that provides a way to access, locate, or name a resource on the internet.

A URL is a specific type of URI that not only identifies a resource but also provides a means of locating it by describing its primary access mechanism, such as a network location.

Key Differences

1. Purpose and Functionality:

  • URI: Serves as a universal identifier for web resources. It can be a locator (URL), a name (URN), or both.
  • URL: Specifies the location of a resource. It includes the protocol (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS) along with the resource’s address.

2. Structure:

  • URI: <scheme>:[<authority>][<path>][?<query>][#<fragment>]
  • URL: Extends the URI format with more specific elements for locating resources: <scheme>://<domain>:<port>/<path>?<query>#<fragment>

Components Explained:

  • Scheme: Indicates the protocol (e.g., http, https, ftp).
  • Authority: Includes domain and port information.
  • Path: Refers to the specific location of the resource within the server.
  • Query: Contains data to be processed by the resource.
  • Fragment: Provides a pointer to a secondary resource or a specific location within a primary resource.


Example of URI:


In this example, the URI is identifying a book by its ISBN number, but does not provide a means to access it.

Example of URL:

Here, the URL specifies a protocol (http), a domain (, possibly a port (80), a path (/path/to/resource), a query parameter (name=example), and a fragment (#section), all of which are necessary to access the actual webpage or resource.


In essence, every URL is a URI, but not every URI is a URL. The key relationship here is the URI’s encompassing nature:

  • URI to URL: All URLs serve as URIs because they are a subset of the broader URI class. URLs include additional locating functionality.
  • General to Specific: While URIs provide a generic resource identifier, URLs are more specific about the location method, which makes them actionable for browsers and other network tools.

When to Use Which:

Knowing whether to use URI or URL depends on the context:

  • URI: Use when you need a general reference to any resource, regardless of its accessibility or location method.
  • URL: Use when direct access to a resource’s specific location is required, which is commonly the case in web development and links.

For related themes, consider diving into Explaining URN: Definition, Structure, and Common Usage to understand URNs in detail. Additionally, our guide on Resetting Local Repository to Match Remote HEAD can provide practical insights into managing URIs and URLs within your development projects.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone working with web technologies, ensuring clarity in how resources are referenced, located, and utilized across the internet.

5. Comparing URI and URN: Understanding Their Unique Roles

When delving into the realms of internet addressing, the distinction between a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) and a URN (Uniform Resource Name) is crucial, as it helps understand their unique roles in the broader framework of resource identification.

A URI is an overarching concept that subsumes both URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and URNs. While a URL identifies the location of a resource on the internet, enabling direct access, a URN serves as a persistent, location-independent resource identifier. These differences are codified in the relevant specifications, which can be reviewed in detail in the IETF’s RFC 3986.

The Unique Role of URNs in Resource Identification

URNs provide a way to uniquely identify a resource without implying its location or how to access it. They are particularly useful for resources that may change locations or have multiple access methods over time. A classic example of a URN is an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for books. The URN ensures that the identifier remains consistent regardless of where the book is housed or how it is accessed:


In this example, urn is the scheme, isbn is the Namespace Identifier (NID), and 0451450523 is the Namespace Specific String (NSS).

Persistence and Universality of URNs

The persistence characteristic of URNs makes them essential for entities requiring a timeless reference. Libraries, research institutions, and archival systems often rely on URNs to guarantee that a citation or a resource identifier will stay valid even if the resource itself moves locations or the access protocol changes.

Examples of URNs

Common namespaces include:

  • urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2 – which specifies a version of the DocBook XML DTD
  • urn:ietf:rfc:2141 – referring to a specific IETF RFC document

Usage Scenarios

  1. Digital Libraries: Digital libraries employ URNs to catalog books, research papers, and digital artifacts to maintain consistent reference points in a dynamic internet landscape.
  2. Content Management Systems: CMSs use URNs for versioning and consistent identification of files and documents, ensuring integrity even when the documents evolve.

Alternatives and Best Practices

In environments where location-independent identification is critical, URNs offer the best approach. However, there is considerable intent and planning required to establish and manage URN namespaces. For systems where this may be cumbersome, persistent URLs with robust redirect mechanisms can be viable secondary solutions. This setup has been explored in concepts around UUID generation in Python, offering a way to create unique identifiers programmatically.

For more practical scenarios involving resource tracking and identification, readers may find it useful to explore how social networks handle user data and dynamic content referencing, as explained in the article on social networks and data ethics.

Understanding the specific roles that URIs and URNs play allows developers and administrators to decide judiciously how to implement these identifiers within their Internet and database applications. This differentiation ensures the robustness and resilience of resource identification mechanisms, especially in large-scale and evolving digital ecosystems.

6. Comprehensive Guide: URI vs URL vs URN and Their Applications in Web Addressing

When diving into the nuanced world of web addressing, understanding the distinct yet interconnected roles of URI, URL, and URN is crucial. Each serves a unique purpose in identifying and accessing resources across the internet.

Application of URIs:
Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) encompass both URLs and URNs, making them the super-set of web identifiers. A URI, by definition, provides a means to identify resources either by location, name, or both. The application of URIs is broad, encompassing everything from locating webpages to identifying network services.

Here’s an example:


In this case, the URI serves as a URL because it specifies the location of a resource.

URL in Web Addressing:
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are the most commonly used URIs. They provide the means to access a resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., HTTP) and the network location. URLs are ubiquitous in web browsers and APIs, enabling users and systems to retrieve web pages, resources, and services efficiently.

Consider the following example:


Here, the URL addresses a specific blog post, providing both the protocol (https) and the resource’s location.

URN in Specific Contexts:
Uniform Resource Names (URNs) provide a unique name for a resource without implying its location. URNs are used in contexts where resource permanence and identity over time are critical. Notably, they are often applied in academic, archival, and library environments.

For example:

URN: urn:isbn:0451450523

This URN identifies a book by its ISBN number, ensuring a stable identifier regardless of its distribution or access location.

Differentiating Contexts and Usages:

  • URI encompasses both URL and URN, knitting together the web’s fabric by offering a versatile identification mechanism.
  • URLs are pivotal in web browsing and online resource access, steering traffic to precise locations across the internet.
  • URNs anchor resources in permanence and identification, spotlighting the immutable aspect of web-addressing useful in specialized fields.

To further solidify your understanding of checkboxes in web forms using jQuery, consider visiting Checking if a Checkbox is Checked in jQuery. This technical guide could provide practical examples, supporting the theoretical knowledge of web addressing you’ve gained here.

In more advanced development scenarios, adding an empty directory in a Git repository can be equally informative. The guide Adding an Empty Directory in Git details efficient methods to ensure your directories remain tracked, essential for organized project management.

Understanding URI, URL, and URN and their unique roles and applications provides a robust foundation for mastering web addressing and resource identification.
In summary, understanding the distinction between URI, URL, and URN is crucial for navigating the complexities of web addressing and internet terminology. A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a broad identifier that encompasses both URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) and URNs (Uniform Resource Names), each serving unique roles. URLs specifically provide the means to locate a resource on the web with a specific address such as a webpage or an image file. On the other hand, URNs uniquely name resources without needing to specify their location, making them ideal for persistent identifiers over time. By grasping the nuanced difference between URI and URL, as well as URI and URN, one can better leverage these identifiers for efficient web development and resource management.

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